True Vine Ministerial Network

Application Form

TRUE VINE MINISTERIAL NETWORK is a governing body under True Vine Ministries. True Vine Ministries (TVM) is an incorporated charity. TRUE VINE MINISTERIAL NETWORK's (TVMN) governing body is apostolic. We are committed to creating covenant relationships with Christ-centered ministries. Our vision is to see the five-fold ministries offices operating in unity to extend and expand the mandate God gave us: to go into the world and make disciples of all nations.

Section I: Personal Information

Section II: History

Section III: Family History

Section IV: Local Affilication and Ministry

Section V: Ministry Information

Section VI: Reference Information

Please list two references: YOUR PASTOR, AND OTHER.
If you are a pastor, include the name of another pastor who knows you and your head elder in the employer space below. If your pastor is your employer, please list another Christian leader. Please do not list your spouse as your third reference.
**PLEASE NOTE: Personal reference letters attached to your application help to speed up the application process. It helps us to get to know you better before your initial interview. **

Section VII: Attachments and Additions

Please include the following with your application:

A $350.00 Non-refundable initial fee due immediately.
A link will be provided upon completion of Application.

Complete Payment after Application submission

Select the credentials you are applying for and complete the required payment to finalize your application.  We will contact you within two weeks after the application and payment have been completed.

To make Payment via E-Transfer

Application process will proceed once payment have been confirmed.