Guidelines for Credentials
- All credentials are specific in nature
- Credentials do not relate to how long one has been in ministry
- And are based on the covenant connection over a period of time with TVM
Benefits of Credentialing With TVMN
- Enables the performance of legal ceremonies, weddings and funerals (with ministry license or ordination).
- Provides access to prisons, hospitals, nursing homes, psychiatric centers and other institutions of this type.
- Provides organizational and ministry networking.
- Provides mediation to help resolve serious problems in the local church (by the District Coordinators or Presbytery officers).
- Provides material and qualified personnel to help in ministry development, as needed.
- Provides district meetings, conferences and seminars.
- Offers pastoral retreat opportunities at the Retreat Centres.
- Supplies field representatives and elders to assist you.
Requirements for Credentialling With TVMN
- Born again, baptized in water and baptized in the Holy Spirit.
- Comply with the scriptural requirements of 1 Timothy 3.
- Be actively engaged in a specific and fruitful ministry.
- Be currently involved in or immediately entering into a definable ministry of greater responsibility than that which is expected of all members of the Body of Christ, and provide a written description of that ministry.
Types of Credentials
Ministry License
A ministry license is issued to qualified ministers who are aspiring to become ordained with TVMN in the near future or part-time ministers operating in the office of the five-fold ministry.
Missionary & Missions License
The Missionary and Missions License is a certification for those ministers who are international missionaries. It is also granted to ministers who do not have their own congregation, are itinerant ministers or field workers in the Kingdom of God.
Ordination is issued to ministers in full time ministry as prescribed in Ephesians 4: 11. TVMN requires that once awarded ordination, a laying-on-hands service will be arranged for these TVMN ministers. This service may be held at the TVM HQ or at the minister’s own church.
Costs are the same for all Credential types.
- $350.00 Initial cost
- $140.00 Yearly renewal
Qualifications to Receive Credentials
- Minimum 21 years of age
- Born again, baptized in water, and baptized in Holy Spirit.
- Called of God and actively involved in ministry
- In accord with True Vine Ministries statement of faith.
- Under the leadership of a local pastor, in a Christ-centered church
- Living a Christ-centered life and willing to be in covenant relationship with True Vine Ministries; Offer prayer and financial support to TVMN as led by the Holy Spirit, and attend TVMN’s gatherings or conferences as they occur.
- Submit the credential application form with a written testimony, and supply references.
Requirements for Credential Holders
- At the end of each year credential holders must renew their credentials. A $140 renewal fee applies. TVM Certificates will be valid only when accompanied by an updated covenant card.
- TVMN can at any time deny, revoke, or withhold ministerial credentials if the credential holder does not maintain a Christ-like life, preach, or teach sound doctrine.